Vocabulary Flash Cards

Vocabulary flashcards can be an effective tool for teaching vocabulary terms in English. Flashcards are a quick, low prep way to show a variety of topics without scavenging for tangible objects. They are also a convenient study tool for those looking for independent study. Adults and older language learners may find them more adept for independent study.

However, for younger English Language Learners (ELL), flashcards can still be considered a favorable teaching tool. When used in combination with other teaching methods, they can provide helpful support for language acquisition. Flashcards can be used to play games, sing songs, tell stories, produce create writing/reading activities and more! Adding flashcards to other media – such as videos – can help create real-world associations for the intended vocabulary terms.

The use of real photography can be helpful for ESL/ELL students of all ages and ability levels. Real pictures provide authenticity and provide a clear representation of the object or concept being taught. They can also be more engaging and memorable, which in turn provides better recall of the vocabulary terms. Real photo flashcards also can provide the opportunity to further discuss other purposeful vocabulary, such as objects or areas around the vocabulary term.

For those educators who specialize in speech or life-skills, many of the same advantages apply.

Below is a collection of real-photo vocabulary flashcards arranged by topic. (For all topics available in my shop, click here.)

Realistic Flashcards:

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