Welcome to the 4×6 Store! 

I’m Stephanie! I have been in the elementary education world since 2006 and currently teach music part-time! 

I am a busy, busy mom of 4 boys. We are a unique bunch. I have two sons with anaphylactic food allergies. Three sons are gifted (and keep me constantly on my toes!) My youngest is entering the crazy toddler phase and never stops moving when he is awake! As such, I run on more Diet Dr. Pepper than I care to admit!

My degree is in Elementary Education and have loved being in the schools since 2006. I was an online ESL teacher with VIPKID for 4 years. It was this gig that started my product creation journey! I was looking on TPT for a product that didn’t exist – so I made it! When other teachers began looking for the same resources, English vocabulary flashcards, I saw the opportunity and ran with it! I never imagined I would love product creation so much! I truly want to help teachers and parents find engaging and meaningful resources for their students!

I love sharing what I make. If you sign up for my email, I send out free stuff almost monthly!

Contact me

Let’s chat! I’m always up for hearing new ideas, product suggestions, and more! 

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